Dreamhost notes

Update Django 1.4 and Python 2.7.3 with virtualenv on Dreamhost (with passenger)

Git: automatically keep a secondary repo in sync with a primary repo?

Keep in sync a local copy of git repos

On nas3:

nas3:/opt/git/brainstorm# git clone --mirror ssh://morlandi@bubinga.dreamhost.com/home/morlandi/git/brainstorm/brainstorm.git

Then, periodically:

# cd /opt/git/brainstorm/brainstorm.git
# git fetch --all


nas3:/# cat /etc/cron.d/fetch_gitrepos_from_dreamhost
# Sync every 4 hours.
0 4,8,12,16,20 * * *     root   /root/fetch_gitrepos_from_dreamhost.sh

nas3:/# cat /root/fetch_gitrepos_from_dreamhost.sh
cd /opt/git/brainstorm/brainstorm.git
git fetch --all
cd ~